Catarina Tourinho: From YouTube Vlogs to the High-End Fashion World

BY Nexxt Team

March 19, 2024

From Editing Passion to Fashion Icon: A Voyage to the Heart of Paris Fashion Week

Catarina Tourinho, the fashion influencer from Bahia who has captivated thousands of followers with her unique charisma and distinctive hi-low fashion sense. From her early days creating school vlogs on YouTube to showcasing her street style at Paris Fashion Week, this is a discussion about her journey and career ambitions.

When did you start on YouTube, and what was your motivation to post?

I ventured into the world of YouTube at the tender age of 14, driven by an intrinsic passion for video editing rather than a desire for the spotlight. The art of editing—cutting footage, integrating diverse effects—was my true calling. This enthusiasm compelled me to step in front of the camera, a necessary move to share my creations. Following a pivotal relocation to the United States at 15, the landscape of my content creation evolved. As an inherently shy individual, the thought of sharing my videos within the confines of a Brazilian school was daunting. However, the transition to an American high school marked a turning point. It was here that I began to share insights into my life as a student in the U.S., detailing the everyday nuances of high school life in my first year. This newfound openness marked the beginning of a consistent posting schedule, setting the stage for my unending journey in content creation.

Photo @igoormelo | Beauty @yuriviannamua | styling @sofdaguano

When did you start to realize that you were actually growing?

I began to truly grasp the extent of my growth when, during the initial months of my channel, one of my followers took the initiative to create a fan club in my honor. Additionally, a defining moment that deeply impacted me occurred upon my first return to Brazil after relocating to the USA, when I was recognized and stopped at the airport. During 2016 and 2017, YouTube wielded considerable influence. The sense of community on YouTube was extraordinary, to the point where I felt no need to engage with any other social media platforms.

Photo @igoormelo | Beauty @yuriviannamua | styling @sofdaguano

What was the process of starting to connect with the brands you work with today like? Was it always a desire?

It wasn’t until five years into my YouTube journey that I began to engage with brands; up until that point, I saw it largely as a leisure activity, not as a professional endeavor. My perspective shifted in 2021, during the pandemic in Brazil, when I started to explore Instagram alongside YouTube, following various bloggers. I’ve always cherished my interactions with followers, priding myself on being highly communicative and engaged. This prompted me to delve into research and establish connections.

My initial collaborations were with smaller brands, setting the stage for gradual progression. As many of you are aware, I’m on an upward trajectory. Today, partnering with luxury brands represents the fulfillment of a dream, yet I believe there’s still more ground to cover and greater heights to reach.

Photo @igoormelo | Beauty @yuriviannamua | styling @sofdaguano

How do you feel about the expansion of your career into high-end fashion these days? Connecting with global and luxury brands?

Reflecting on my journey often leaves me in awe and fills me with immense pride. It’s astonishing to think that my adventure began in the simplicity of my room, armed with nothing but a camera and devoid of any grand ambitions. Now, as I find myself progressing towards my dreams, the joy and fulfillment I experience are profound. I am genuinely thrilled to be on this path, earnestly working towards achieving the heights I’ve always envisioned for myself.

Photo @igoormelo | Beauty @yuriviannamua | styling @sofdaguano

What plans do you have for the future with your influence?

Build my path in fashion more, bring my perspective to the industry, and continue working with influence. Also continue with my organic content, being honest with my community, growing more with my followers, making friends in the industry, and doing it with love. That’s it.

Photo @igoormelo | Beauty @yuriviannamua | styling @sofdaguano