Ways to keep your ships stronger: friendships relationships. Even when life is hectic.

BY Subata Iftikhar

July 26, 2023

Friendships are the cornerstone of happiness since it has been demonstrated that our social interactions determine how happy we are. Although meeting new “friends” on social media is simple, maintaining genuine friendships relationships can be difficult due to our hectic schedules.

This post will explore strategies and tactics to keep your ships stronger-friendships/ relationships even when life is hectic; these tips will help you nourish your relationship throughout busy times, whether in a long-term committed relationship or just friends. These recommendations will help keep the bond going.

It’s crucial to stay in touch.

Having excellent intentions alone is necessary. The truth is that communication is the only way to keep a friendship alive. If the person is a close friend, it usually implies once a week. I am aware that it is difficult. Your closest friend seems to come in second to work, family, significant others, and urgent personal crises. Things happen, but to stay afloat, you must plan for them.

Mark your calendar 

Take advantage of technology and the calendar app. Make time to get out with your pal in advance if you have many obligations. Some techniques for doing this are:

Set up a regular time every two to three weeks to do something as a couple, like go for a walk in the park or have coffee.

Run two errands simultaneously (grocery store, farmer’s market, etc.)

Together, work out

Set up joint working sessions and collaborate throughout those times.

Try your best

Every connection requires thought and work. Friendships also require emotional investment. Regularly checking in with your buddies should become a habit. Some techniques for doing this are:

‘Hello’ text message is sent once every week

Delivering flowers on a person’s birthday

Watching a show with a friend and talking about it

Stay in the present moment.

It’s simple to become sidetracked by our to-do lists and other responsibilities when busy. When we are with our partners or friends, it’s crucial to be present at the moment.

Put your phone away.

Avoid distractions like your phone while spending time with your companion. Pay them your whole attention.

Practice active listening by paying close attention to what your companion is saying. Ask questions while actively listening to demonstrate your interest.

Being present: Keep your attention on the present when you are with your companion. Stay calm about upcoming tasks or earlier-than-expected events.

Don’t skip imp events.

No matter how busy you are, it would be best if you found a way to show up when it matters. More than any virtual communication method mentioned above, you help preserve pleasant times and memories by simply being present. Birthdays, professional successes, breakups, and annual festivities are a few occasions where you must be present. No matter how long it has been since you last saw each other, remember that the closest of friends will always rekindle their bond; nevertheless, if you disappear altogether, everyone will have drifted apart.

Give your friend lots of praise.

Every opportunity you have to express your gratitude to your friend is a chance to do so. Think about how frequently you and your friends say their affection to one another in this way. If it isn’t a regular occurrence, start by being generous and routinely tell your pals what you appreciate about them. All these are some excellent Ways to keep your ships stronger-friendships/ relationships even when life is hectic.

Maybe we’re just putting other things ahead of our relationships and friendships now—family, work, hobbies, and that’s fine. However, it’s essential to check in with who we are on the inside to see if we’re prioritizing what we want. It’s easy to let friendships slip the wayside because they don’t have deadlines or a boss to hold us accountable as work does. We must be careful to prioritize what matters most rather than just doing what is required of us.