Understanding Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Triggers

Understanding Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Triggers

If you have patches of darker pigmentation on your face, know that you are not alone! While completely removing signs of hyperpigmentation can be challenging, there are steps you can

Mastering the Art of Plopping: A Comprehensive Guide for Curly Girls

Mastering the Art of Plopping: A Comprehensive Guide for Curly Girls

If you haven't heard of "plopping," then take a seat, my fellow wavy and curly-haired beauties. Keeping curly strands looking good requires dedication and skill. Every now and then, a

Nourish Your Locks: Top Supplements Recommended for Women’s Hair Loss

Nourish Your Locks: Top Supplements Recommended for Women’s Hair Loss

Image via Pinterest Experts estimate that approximately 80 million individuals in the United States are affected by androgenetic alopecia (AA), a common hair loss condition. Contrary to popular belief, balding

Greening Your Skincare Routine: Six Sustainable Practices for Healthy and Eco-Friendly Skin

Greening Your Skincare Routine: Six Sustainable Practices for Healthy and Eco-Friendly Skin

If you use beauty products and skincare, you might be curious about how to lessen your waste from skincare and beauty products. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are three words that

The “Tinkerbell Lift” is a new and popular non-surgical nose job that is currently creating buzz.

The “Tinkerbell Lift” is a new and popular non-surgical nose job that is currently creating buzz.

If you are not completely satisfied with the size, shape, or appearance of your nose from certain angles, you may believe that the only way to change it is to